The Encouragement Manifesto
When we ran a small business, there were values at its heart
It was owner-run; just the two of us. So the way we worked, who we were, was never written down as such. It was in our hearts. We are pretty sure it was clear to our customers who we were and what was important to us. We worked hard to be consistent, to celebrate others and to stay positive and optimistic. Our business was built on the successes and strengths of others; kindness and generosity were keystones. We only talked about value, not price; slowly, gently, we built a community. We gathered up and shared inspiring stories and we sought to be a pebble in the pond, creating ripples.
These values are now at the heart of The Encouragement Manifesto
We asked some folk we trust, who live and work in the way we do, to interpret the values in their own words
The Other Way
Mich Bondesio used her own hard-won experience to learn that ‘outlook’ is a choice; one which should be guided by positive energies
The Power of Imagination
Geoff Withers encourages us all to unleash the potential within us, through the power of positivity and imagination
Wild Bluebells
Sarah Morris slows us down to remind us that in our breathless pursuit of ‘new’ and ‘original’ there is a risk we will miss out on nature’s beauty
Anticipating Positivity
A gentle realisation that a key skill in the workplace was clouding his outlook on life introduced Harry Watson to words of positivity