Mrs Feasts, Mr Fables; two halves of the same coin
Adventurous souls bound together by curiosity and a love of travel, food and people. Stronger together; skills which combine to be greater than the sum of the parts. Seeking and sharing inspiration.
Bringing folk together through food and stories
My name is JoJo, Mrs Feasts, all about the food
Were you to ask me if, after 17 or so years in the public sector I would set up my own small kitchen table business baking and selling cakes, I might have raised an eyebrow? Mind you, if I told you about driving a submarine, flying an RAF fast jet or my whistle-stop trip to Afghanistan on the night I was due to be married, you might raise an eyebrow too. Irish girl, married to a Scot, moved to Wales and opened a delicatessen on a high street; yeah right, you might have said. Would I have believed you? Most probably not. But it’s all true.
Picture Credit: Department Two
My name is Barrie, Mr Fables, the scribbler
No way? A Dad just after my 20th birthday. Thirty years in uniform ending up as a ‘grown up’ running bits of the organisation? Over 12 months in Afghanistan for two ‘work trips’? If I told you I ran a marathon on the eve of my 50th birthday then created and ran a high street business for nearly 5 years you’d raise an eyebrow. Sold a dream house to set sail in a camper van for a life of adventures? I might have raised an eyebrow too. But it’s all true.
Picture Credit: Heather Birnie