The Encouragement Sessions
by Mr Fables (Founder of The Encouragement Manifesto)
When we created The Encouragement Manifesto, it was always with the notion that there would be a practical element to it; practice, not preach. At the time, we imagined gatherings; a long table, sharing food and ideas.
But, global pandemic, and all that.
So we did our 'gathering' on Zoom calls. One-hour pep-talks with folk who needed a positive and encouraging voice or another brain to bounce their ideas off.
“The encouragement sessions have been like a little window into my parallel life, the one that I yearn for, that is filled with energy, positivity, and creativity. Barrie - I’ve really enjoyed the meandering conversations, the extraordinary tangents, the recommendations, and the simplicity of the core messages you’ve shared. I’ve always gone away feeling energised and with more direction and purpose.”
When we were asked, we wrote some words to help people out, to say the things that they weren't able to say about themselves.
“The Encouragement Sessions with Barrie were a time for me, to open up and allow me to express my vulnerabilities in a safe and non-judgemental space. I felt a massive load had been taken from my shoulders, a relief, and permission to follow what my heart was trying to tell me. This allowed a ‘fog’ to lift, allowing me to pause, to breathe, and to gain some clarity.
Barrie’s mentoring style is gentle and encouraging. In a coach-like manner, he helps to tease out thoughts and squeeze out ideas that are there but perhaps cautious of coming to fruition.”
We’ve put together social media pen pictures and straplines for emergent business ideas. We have unlocked writer's block and offered practical ideas about how to gently evolve an online community to support fresh ideas, building on our own experience of growing a close-knit, engaged audience for our high street delicatessen and our life afterwards as @feastsandfables
“They are part of something wider. It’s an approach to life that is infectious. Encouragement shines through on Twitter, Instagram and Medium. Unfailingly positive, always curious and ever-enthusiastic.”
We called them The Encouragement Sessions.
“Your energy and enthusiasm really lifted me and allowed me to think – little by little I have chipped away at things personally and through work. It feels much more tortoise than hare – just need to focus and double down to get the most out of 2021. I have valued your kindness, willingness to embrace me, and your passionate expertise, Barrie, and I want to thank you for it”
In January and February, The Encouragement Sessions are coming back. It seems like the perfect time to offer folk a free-at-the-point-of-use burst of enthusiasm and energy. It is a time of year when a reset feels necessary. The time of year when people need some support to turn that ‘to do’ list into the ‘something’ they see in their mind’s eye.
There will be a few sessions a week from the start of January. Usually folk just need an hour-long call to get things moving, but you might like a follow-up a couple of weeks later. You’ll know after we’ve chatted. Oh, and it’s not an easy ride; we’ll cut to the chase, say it as it is; there might be some tough love; we’ve been known to say if we reckon an idea isn’t going anywhere or if you need to think again.
What you are guaranteed is a wildly enthusiastic beardy fella looking to boost your confidence, courage, and commitment to the path you know you want to follow.
If you, or someone you know, might benefit from an Encouragement Session, do get in touch.
It has helped a few folk along the way.
“(You) really did help. It was a combination of being pushed in the right direction, some clarity around what I was doing, and providing a bit of confidence in what I was doing was ok. When you said about exploring the natural world using mathematics and design - that really just gave me what I was after in a nutshell - and having it, in a nutshell, was more than I could have asked for. You just got it, which was brilliant”